Friday, February 5, 2010


Gmail has many uses, not only does it give a google account you can Add Gmail as a forward and use it as a Spam filter.
  Also having a Google Account will give you access to over a hundred online apps and websites such as, YouTube, all you do is link the accounts, a Blog on Blogger, which if your reading this blog is here, many OpenID websites, im not going to name all 200 or so, and notebook, which is a great app for using online notes. I use it for a Journal and a place for all my school notes.

Luke Out

Monday, February 1, 2010

Time For Tablets?

Jim Rapoza eWeek magazine-Ah, a new year. Isn't it great? All things are possible and everything starts out with a clean slate.

Did someone say slate?
Apple's iPad, as it is now called, has stirred up A LOT of hype, to say the least. I like the NYT's cartoon, that says "the last time there was this much exitement about a tablet, it had commandments written on it."
I was actually let down a little bit, i was expecting something more like what we saw at CES this year, oh well we can't always get what we want.