Saturday, October 24, 2009

Adobe Flash iPhone

Hey guys flash isn't coming to iPhone independantly yet, but it is coming to the app store developers

They cam create a flash application then export to .ipa which I thought was pretty cool.

If there was a smart developer out ther he/she would make a browser with flash sell it for 99 cents and make a bundle of money.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I get my Braces off in six weeks :) yay
i have hated, struggled, pained, and broken (with) my Braces.

if you have any comments about braces leave them here.
_____Me out

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adobe Flash iPhone

Hey guys flash isn't coming to iPhone independantly yet, but it is coming to the app store developers

They cam create a flash application then export to .ipa which I thought was pretty cool.

If there was a smart developer out ther he/she would make a browser with flash sell it for 99 cents and make a bundle of money.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


has anybody read Crytonomicon

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Comcast's epic FAIL

Comcast sadly is my current internet provider, and quit frankly i'm freakin tired of the bandwith cap that "isnt" there until october. Also the constant slowing of bandwith at around 12:26 every night. I'm really the only one who notices because of the downloads i do, but its still annoying!!!!!!!!!

Anyway if you have any Comcast comments, rants, takedowns post them here.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Man I have had an awsome weekend and an awsome time with my "uncle"
Well see you later

Saturday, September 5, 2009

hey have you checked out the voice blog?

Monday, August 24, 2009

New Snow Leaperd

The new Mac osx is now going to be released on August 26, 2009
Finnailly !!!!!!!!
Ok check out the link see you later

Monday, August 3, 2009

program that will revolutionize the manufacturing company

check out this link

Thursday, July 30, 2009

belkin usb adapter

i recently purchased a belkin wireles USB device for my desktop i LOVE it its one of new favorite devices i will take every where!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

windows 7

i have installed windows 7 on ,y pc and when i start it it tells me that autochk cant be found and then retarts i have unistalled windows 7 from that pc and it still does it when i try to beeot XP

can anyone help me please E-mail me at techkid124@gmail.ccom

Friday, July 24, 2009

windows 7

man ilove windows 7 its the best windows operating OS since XP, no the best thing since peant butter.
and who doesnt love peanut butter, sorry for thi=ose who are allergic any way its responsive runs smooth and has been very compatable with pretty much ervything after playing around with it.

windows 7

i have installed windows 7 and am now updating my blog with it :) :) :) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
if you cant tell im HAPPY.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

windows 7

today i am installing windows 7 for the for the first time ever it is so annoying if you have never installed a windows OS before fist you have to defrag your HDD then you must (unless yut doing a clean install partition your HDD which isnt easy!!!!!!!

So i had to get a seperate piece of software to partition my main HDD which is one of the most annoying parts ever.
then I lost my activation code spent 30 minutes looking for it then found it in my pencil dwrawer beside my desk.

Well it was very hard
Me out-

Monday, July 6, 2009


I had 22 applications to update on my iPhone last night and I updated all of them at once and then when i had only about five left my phone crashed i mean it went DEAD like you would'nt believe.
Then i went t turn it back on and it was below 10% so it wouldn't turn back on it showed the charge srcreen so i plugged it in and went to sleep, woke up the next day and it was still charging it hadn't even moved any.
so i discovered the cat had chewed a hole in my extender for my cord (the cat was alright)then i plugged it into the computer it was charged in five minutes thankfully so now i can get on the web and all the other stuff.

See you later.
_Me out

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Have any ideas

I have been trying to find sources for my blog and I have pretty much come up empty, I like Apple stuff and some Microsoft stuff I love twit ( This week in tech not twitter) I do like Twitter though i could be a little more anthusiastic about getting followers that's ok though if you have any ideas leave a coment or message me on Twitter

Friday, June 19, 2009


I have tried Hunch the website and I like it alot it's very predictive and intuative Which I like.

Grand Torino

I just finished watching Grand Torino and it was one of the best movie I've ever saw it was awsome I defantlu recomend it NOT FOR YOUNG VIEWERS.


I have reveiwed the artical that I recently write and have decided thati didn't do th iPhone OS 3.0 justice I have rearranged my search results and it launches faster Wichita I like and I have the iPhone app free memory and it dies wonders I recommmend it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

iPhone 3.0

I have had the iPhone 3.0 software for about seven hours and gave discovered that I CANNOT send mms and the searchlight feature (launches) slow and some of my auto update features don't work period and some are quit annoying

Friday, June 12, 2009

Best Buy

Best Buy to sell iPhone with protection plan.
I think that should have Bren standard on the origanal iPhone, I also think that you should get phone calls wenever without the apple care protection plan.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Apples wwdc will be awsome this year we all hope we get a tablet iPhone or something of that matter if you have any comments about wwdc please leave a commcent or E-mail me at

Sunday, June 7, 2009

alternet uses for mac books

sadly this wasn't fake

how much is twitter worth

chech out this url

Windows 7

Of you have any comments good of bad about windows 7 they are welcome
Please watch it is some of the best recomidations ive ever had for everything from netbooks to iPhones and macs with all kind of acceseries


I LOVE listening to twit it is one of the best podcast and I love the discussions if ypuchave any comments please email me at

-me out

Friday, June 5, 2009

thank you

for all those who come here from i love twitter
see you all later

-me out

Friday, May 29, 2009

Monday is the last day of school for our district adn im so happy.
Sorry i havent been blogging lately.
-me out

Friday, February 27, 2009

my teachers aren't that bad

the took us out for an hour and a half yesterday because is was supposed to be cold the rest of the week. but there loss :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

more okay crazy teacher

Okay we got our Internet turned back on thank goodness,
anyway my teacher Ms. Moore has been out today and we had a sub called "Mr. Woody" quit
literally he is as deaf as wood you have to yell at him for him to hear you which can get rather annoying sometimes.
__Me out

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Crazy Teachers

Today I figure out that we are going to start switching classes in groups though so it's reallly annoying believe me .......
Any way school is still just as awful but with more homeworh and group 2 has less home work
If you can help me please contact me at
__ Me out

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Hate Geography

I Hate Geography so much I can't stand it.
I love my teacher but I hate the maps they are so annoying to have to do evry week.
I wish I could come home and just read but no I'm either stuck doing Science or Geography and, sometimes on occasion I have language.
Tough it's not that bad.
__Me out

My Sister

My sister has anilmal crossingthe game but the thing is she always fixes her hair and then she goes strait and time skips I'll never get her?
__ Me out

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Brother

Do you have a little brother that's always being annoying.
Well I do "Great".

He has one of his stupid basketball goals that attaches to the door frame he bounces that thing all the time and believe me it gets very annoying well I've already hold you that haven't I

__Me out

My pictures

hey guys me again.

My younger brother seems to think bloging is a bad thing :(
Well I have tried to explain to him that it is perfectly ok to have your own blog on blogger or whatever site I actually use my iPhone to blog.
It's kind of annoying sometimes because I have to edit the HTML instead of regular composing.

__ Me out

Time clock

Hey guys our clock was messed up but. Ifixed the problem your welcome.

__ me out

Out of School

Were out of school for tv second time this week and I really love the feeling of being able to lye in bed and explore for change instead of doing school work

__ Me out

My blog 2/4/09

Hey guys what's up I'm so bored right know at 12:39 my Time how well do you sleep at night I don't sleep that well, obviously.
Well good-night for now
__ me